Sunday, April 27, 2008

Four month update

Hard to believe I've been in the Pacific Northwest for four months now. I know I'm not doing a good job at updating this blog, part of that is because I really just can't say a whole lot about my job (gotta love attorney-client privilege). I can say though that I'm really enjoying it. On an average day I see between 5-7 clients and then do research, work on cases, perform military duties, and that sort of thing. Some of the cases are interesting and some are just simply listening to the client and giving them a quick piece of advice. It really is amazing how quickly you pick up on some of the things that at first seemed almost impossible to figure out.

This past week, the deputy Judge Advocate General, Rear Admiral Houck, came into town for a visit. My biggest job during the trip was to drive to the airport with my Commanding Officer and pick him and his aide up. Seatac airport is a little over an hour away so it gave me an opportunity to get to speak with the CO and meet the Admiral. The trip went really well and the Admiral turned out to be an incredibly nice guy. It was reassuring to see that as people in the JAG Corps continue to rise through the ranks, they continue to be good people. All of the JAG leaders I have met so far have been wonderful and I can only hope that continues.

Other than that, I continue to live in Silverdale, WA just about five minutes from where I work. Teresa will be moving out here in June and once she arrives we'll find a place in Seattle. Its going to be quite a commute for me, but I'm looking forward to living on the other side of the Sound. The weather is starting to get a little nicer and I'm trying to bike a lot more. I'm going to be participating in the Seattle-to-Portland ride in July. Its a 200-mile bike ride that will be quite a feat if I can finish it.

That's all for now. Looking forward to heading back to MN memorial day weekend!