Thursday, August 23, 2007

4 Days Down

Tomorrow is our first day of physical training (PT) and its obvious that everyone is a little bit worried. We had an introduction session today to the exercises we will be doing and some of them are going to hurt quite a bit, especially the stomach ones. We also had our first PRT test which checks to see if you meet the Navy fitness standards. The test consists of sit-ups, push-ups, and a 1.5 mile run. I passed just fine, but I know that I can do a whole lot better. Hopefully by the end of my time here I'll get better results.

Today we also did drills. This involves, marching, taking commands, responding, moving as a group. I'm the squad 2 leader, but before you think that means anything let me explain that the only reason I am in that position is because I am one of the four tallest people in my division. I actually kind of like drills since we have to do everything together and when we graduate I'm sure we will look a lot better.

Tonight was also my first attempt at polishing shoes. I'm sure it will get easier but so far it sucks. Its incredibly time consuming and you feel like you don't get ANYTHING done.

Some people in my group have been a few more responsibilities. The memorizing takes a lot of time right now, but I would certainly like to do my share to help out our unit. I put my name down for Academic Officer, but Sr. Chief picked someone else. I probably would have picked someone else too since I kind of fumbled announcing my return after coming back from dental check.

We've been eating just fine. I was afraid we were going to be really restricted on what we eat, but we eat 3 full meals per day. Instead of losing weight, I think I'm actually up a few pounds since its basically buffet style and we haven't done a whole lot of PT yet. The food isn't horrible, but there is not a lot of variety. I've had this cheese and lasagna dish at least three times already.

I could so go for some Taco Bell right now!

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