Sunday, September 2, 2007

Observations about OCS from an outsider's perspective

Before I go any further about my experience at ODS, let me just say that the people going through Officer Candidate School (OCS) are insane.

For those who don't know what OCS is, let me try and explain. The school I go to is Officer Development School, or ODS. With the exception of Nuke Boy, we are all Staff Officers. That means we are more supportive and advisory than anything else and we will never be in command of ships or squadrons or anything like that. The people going through OCS are trying to become unrestricted or restricted line officers. These are positions that can be in command of ships, and are much more involved with mission planning, intel, etc... They are the ones who wear stars on their sleeves and shoulder boards while I will have the JAG Corps insignia instead. OCS is a 12-week program (mine is 5) that used to take place in Pensacola, FL. It recently moved up to Newport to be part of Operational Training Command Newport (OTCN). The class that lives above us started at the same time we did and is the first here at OTCN.

But getting back to my main point: they're insane. They appear to be up at all hours of the day, doing pushups, shouting or getting shouted at, wearing odd clothes and those who wear glasses have to wear ones that are given to them by the military and they are not what most people would call attractive. We see them mostly in the chow hall and that is a sight to see. Not only do they control what they eat and drink, they control HOW they eat and drink. To watch them all at once bow their heads, pick up a spoon, put food on the spoon, put food in their mouth, chomp, chomp, chomp, all at the exact same time...there are really no words to explain how creepy it looks.

When we first got here, they were mostly wearing these green jumpsuits that looked they came from the local prison. I understand that they are not supposed to be comfortable and this is mostly training for if they get captured, but its hot outside and I can't imagine working out in those and having the energy to move let alone shout commands like they have to do.

I did see one of them in sick call the other day and he looked like walking death. I felt so bad for the guy but it was obvious that he wanted this very badly and he wanted to serve his country in the best way he could. He told me a little bit about what they are going through and it took quite a bit of effort to not let my jaw hit the ground. All of us at ODS have a tremendous amount of respect for the people going through OCS. I mentioned that to the guy and he really seemed to genuinely appreciate hearing that.

No matter how bad we think we have it sometimes, they have it 10 times worse. They are truly amazing to watch and I just hope they survive the training.


Unknown said...

It's so incredible reading your blogs Matt! You obviously have come such a long way since you got there, and I'm really proud of you for keeping your head up even when things get tough.

I can't wait to see you when you get home! Miss you- and don't worry, I'll chase away any guys who try to hit on Teresa. :)

Politics of a Patriot said...

I have a friend who went through Navy OCS and... wow. You're description seems pretty accurate. He told me they call those green jumpsuits "Poopie suits." Seems appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Seriously???? Five whole weeks out of your life? You poor baby. Take a midol if your vagina hurts.

Heaven forbid someone should be so committed to support and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that you can think they're not mentally balanced.

The more you sweat in training the less you bleed in battle. I guess that doesn't occur to people who looked at Demi Moore and Tom Cruise in a movie and decided, that they could "Handle the truth."

Matt said...
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Matt said...

If someone took my comments that the people who went to OCS are literally mentally imbalanced, then I certainly apologize. For those people who know me, they know that in no way did I ever intend to give people that impression.

As I mentioned in this post, I have a tremendous amount of respect for the people who go through OCS. They are truly amazing, dedicated individuals who want to serve their country. After going through ODS, I actually wish our training was more like OCS.

I believe the individual who left the last comment on here misunderstood what I was trying to say, and if I offended anyone then I am truly sorry.