Monday, September 17, 2007

Last few days

Today, I reached the point where I say to myself, “Its time to get the f out of here!” I’ve learned a lot in my four weeks here so far but the introvert side in me kicks in about now and realizes I’m ready to go. Everyone else gets giddy; I get annoyed.

That being said, I had a good weekend. We were allowed to put on civilian clothes for the first time and it felt great! I did Burns a favor on Friday by taking her duty shift so she could go to a concert at some bar in town. Saturday I went to Boston with Rosenlund, Moody, and Nochisaki. It was a great time and just so nice to get off base and out of town. We went to the USS Constitution, a few stops on the freedom trail and the Fours for dinner (Sports Illustrated ranked it the number one sports bar in America).

Sunday was mostly just email and football. Vikes lost in overtime, so that sucked. I’ve gotten pretty close with some of the people here recently and I hope that carries over. NJS should be interesting since some of us from ODS will be together again in a much different setting.

This time Friday and I will be home…hard to believe. Oh, before I go, I should talk about our latest pool experience. We simulated swimming away from a sinking ship and I hated it. My lifejacket made it harder to swim and I kept getting kicked. Three more days!

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