Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Whidbey Island

Wow, two posts not all that far from one another...shocking I know. Well, I'm up at Whidbey Island now on temporary assignment duty (TAD) for today and tomorrow. Our command only has one attorney at this branch office and with it being a naval air station (NAS), they are deploying all the time and keep very busy.

Whidbey Island is about two hours from Silverdale and its a pretty nice ride. The weather isn't nearly as bad now as it was when I first got out here. Might rain in the morning, but that's about it right now. LT Head met me and took me out to dinner at a local restaurant and gave me a briefing on all the work we were going to be doing today.

This base has two different types of aircraft, the EA-6B
Prower (top), and the P-3C Orion. A lot of the training they do is at night, so you may just see the lights from the aircraft flying away as you hear the roar of the engines. One of my jobs today was to go to one of the hangars and have an outreach with a squadron. What that means is giving them a brief on what a will is, explaining powers of attorney and filling out forms for all of the people who want one. We went through about 50 people in a few hours and at the end of it, you're just exhausted.

Despite all of that, the work we are doing certainly makes a difference. Even though it might just be a will, it certainly can help our sailors and pilots be focused on getting the job done instead of worrying about what will happen if something unfortunate happens while they are away.

Tomorrow is going to be a really busy day and I'll hopefully be able to handle it. Heading home tomorrow night though and then I'll be heading to MN on Friday night to help Teresa get her place ready to sell. Even though it will be a short trip, getting home will be good.


Anonymous said...

I am not sure if you are still checking this blog, but if you are, i would love to ask you some questions.

I am a 2L and considering joining the Navy JAG (if they will have me) and would like to learn a little more about the day to day activities. I have talked to a few people and they tell me they love it, but I really want to hear the things you don't like, or things that surprised you.

Anyway, I appreciate your blog.

You can email me at


Anonymous said...


I stumbled on your blog and would like to connect with you to ask you for some advice about ODS, NJS and the detailing process. I commissioned in March and am schedule for ODS in August after I take the bar.

Thanks in advance.

V/R, Michael Jones