Thursday, June 19, 2008

USS John C Stennis

I'm somewhere in the Pacific Ocean now aboard the USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74). The command wanted us to see what it is like to go aboard an aircraft carrier and they needed some people to do legal assistance for a few days so it all works out. I flew into San Diego yesterday and got a quick tour of the ship from the outgoing discipline officer (she literally left for her next duty station the next morning) and then went in to town for dinner and drinks.

The next morning the ship got underway and went up to the flight deck as we pulled out of port. The aircraft arrived a few hours later and are currently taking off right over where I am sleeping. Seriously, they are landing just a few feet above where I sleep...crazy. How I am going to sleep is beyond me at this point but I guess people are able to do it. We were given several pairs of ear plugs which will hopefully help but they can only do so much.

The ship is enormous and it is very easy to get lost. To get up and down to the different levels you have to walk up and down these very narrow stairwells that take quite a bit of getting used to. On at least one occasion I have hit my head, but luckily I didn't fall down the entire staircase.

We eat pretty well. The officer's mess is always stocked with something to eat, even if it is just a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. If we don't like the food they offer at one of the regular meals they can always make us a burger, a grilled cheese, or something like that.

Today we also got to briefly see the bridge and meet the commanding officer of the Stennis. A very nice man, but certainly very busy and needing to stay focused while the pilots got qualified to fly on and off the carriers. We also went to primary where the Air Boss (the guy who controls the planes on the flight deck) is stationed. Later on I think we'll get a more detailed tour.

At dinner we sat with some helicopter pilots and one of them offered to take us for a ride tomorrow so that should be amazing. I'm hoping to get some good pictures but I'm sure I'll just be taking it all in as well.

After dinner, I walked around the hangar bay, where all the planes are usually stored when they are not on the flight deck. For this short trip, the hangar bay is pretty much empty so you will see people running around, and even playing some sports in this huge space. I walked around to see if I could see a sunset from anywhere and even though I couldn't really see the sun going down, I could see the sky changing color and the water as the ship effortlessly cut through it. It was quite a sight to see and I'm glad to have the opportunity to be on board for a few days. Life as a JAG continues to give me chances to do things I never would otherwise get to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a real adventure out there...Did you watch "Carrier" on PBS before you left to see what it would be like?