Monday, August 27, 2007

Week one in the books

We had most of yesterday to do whatever we wanted so I got caught up on a bunch of work mostly. LT Brewer told us to write him a letter explaining why we were here. I wrote about Grandpa and how I wished he was around to see me in uniform. I know he's watching down on me though and keeping out of the Pit so I can take some comfort in that.

Today was pretty quiet. We had PT in the morning and the stomach exercises are either going to give me some rock-hard abs or just kill me. I can't tell just yet. We have a run tomorrow and I'm hoping it will be no more than 3 miles, but we'll see. I think some people would really struggle with that distance, but they may break it up a bit.

Today we also met our drill instructor, a master sgt. with the Marines and over 20 years experience. Its pretty obvious that he could intimidate us very easily if he wanted to but I know he will be good for us and get our butts in gear. I will likely lose my spot as squad leader because apparently tall people in the front just looks weird. Whatever is best for the team I guess.

Tomorrow is also the start of academices. I'm really curious to see what the classes will be like. Its starting to feel like high school sometimes and having homework won't help that feeling. Off to bed now!

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