Friday, August 31, 2007

Classes galore

So my hope of writing every other day in my journal went out the window...big shock there. The past couple days have been busy but the weekend is now here and I'm looking forward to the liberty we get this weekend.

We had a lot of classes this week that culminated in a 25-question multiple choice test today. I did pretty well and passed, but 8-out-of-31 in our division did not. Our Sr. Chief and LT were not happy about that so we need to have group study time this next week and make sure that doesn't happen on our final exam.

We also had our first room inspection. While it didn't go great, we also didn't fail and I don't think anyone in our division did either. Our liberty this weekend includes being able to go to some of the other places on base, so we went to the Officer's Club tonight and had a few drinks to unwind. It was certainly good to get out and see a new place on base. The O Club is right on the water and I'm sure I will be spending a lot of time there.

The other big thing this week is that my back really started hurting during drill today. I think it was probably the terrain mostly, but I'm now on restricted duty and can't do anything until Tuesday at the earliest. It sucks but there's nothing I can do about it. They are going to take some x-rays on Tuesday though so maybe that will reveal something that I never knew.

Pretty tired after only a few drinks so its time to crash. Happy Labor Day weekend everyone!

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