Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I know it has been forever since I posted anything on here and I'm pretty sure that nobody is reading it anymore, but I'll write something anyways. My goal originally was to write on this and let my friends know what I was up to and hopefully help prepare some people who were about to go through the same things that I did. Don't know if it helped, but some people have written to ask me follow-up questions, so I guess it meant something to someone.

I've been at Naval Legal Service Office Northwest (NLSO) for about 45 days now. Living on the West coast is certainly a big change, but it has been a pretty incredible experience. For anyone considering a career in the JAG Corps, I would encourage you to do it, no matter what branch you are looking at. You will meet some of the most amazing people and do things that you will never forget.

My position is currently as a legal assistance attorney. Our office helps sailors and their wives with their problems, and everyday you have a new issue walk through your door. In 45 days, I have done over 50 wills, I have assisted people with landlord/tenant issues, I have helped someone get married to a foreign national, I have worked out deals with creditors, I have seen people at their lowest point and found a way to give them hope. Not bad for your first month-and-a-half on the job.

This weekend was President's Day so no work today. It also meant that Teresa flew out to see me and we had a great time exploring the Northwest. If you have never been out here, take the time to see it. If this weekend was any indication, the spring and summer are going to more than make up for the rain we get in the winter. I'm currently living in Silverdale, which is on the western side of Puget Sound, so Seattle is a little ways away.

I should probably write just a small section on Naval Justice School. While it got overwhelming at times, it was a good experience. Newport, RI is a beautiful part of the country that I probably would never get to see otherwise (I'll be going back there in April for more training). You work very hard and you are expected to retain a lot of information, but you meet some great people and get practical experience and education from people who are out in the fleet doing this work. You gain a respect for the Navy and the JAG Corps, and the training does pay off. To anyone who is about to go to NJS, here is my advice: Suck it up and get it done.

Gotta run to bed, anyone who has questions, please feel free to email me or put a comment up on here.

1 comment:

Politics of a Patriot said...

You got stationed in a beautiful place. I'm pursuing a somewhat similar goal (Navy psychologist) and found your blog really interesting... especially the parts on ODS. Great blog.